Know About the World Breastfeeding week

World Breastfeeding Week is a yearly celebration held each year from August 1 to 7 in approximately 120 countries.

This year, the theme for breastfeeding week is 'Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility.' The best pediatrician in Agra recommends breastfeeding for better health outcomes for the baby as well as mother.

World Health Organization declares breastfeeding as one of the most efficient ways to ensure child health and survival.

First observed in 1992, World breastfeeding week #WBW is a worldwide celebration that happens every year from the 1st to the 7th of August in more than 120 countries.

The history of this cause takes us back to the 1990s when the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) formed the Innocent Declaration to encourage and support breastfeeding.

Following in 1991 to execute UNICEF and WHO's goals, an association was formed & named the World Association of Breastfeeding Action.

And, in 1992, a whole week was dedicated to promoting this campaign.

World Breastfeeding Week strives to highlight the immense benefits that breastfeeding can lead to the health and well-being of babies and mother's health, concentrating on healthy nutrition, food security and poverty reduction.

World breastfeeding week has the double goal of promoting the health of babies and promoting, protecting, and supporting the rights of women to breastfeed at any place and at any time.

The Welfares of Breastfeeding for newborn & for Mother

Breastfed babies have:

  1. Stronger immune systems
  2. Fewer colds and respiratory illnesses
  3. Less diarrhoea, constipation and gastroenteritis
  4. Fewer ear infections
  5. Rare cases of bacterial meningitis
  6. Better vision
  7. Fewer rates of infant mortality
  8. Fewer rates of Sudden Infant Deaths
  9. Less illness overall and less hospitalization
  10. Breastfeeding may make children smarter

Mother's who breastfeed:

  1. Mothers who breastfeed have a lower risk for depression
  2. Breastfeeding helps the uterus contract
  3. Breastfeeding may help you lose weight

Breast milk gives rich and easily absorbed nutritional components, antioxidants, enzymes, immune properties, and live antibodies from the mother and the antibodies present in a mother's milk helps to protect her baby from diseases and infections.

Krishna Hospital, the best child hospital in Agra suggests that during COVID-19 also an infected mother can breastfeed her baby if she wishes to but with certain precautions, safeguards and always remember to put on the masks while feeding the newborn.