Privacy Policy

Type of information we may collect

When it comes to the collection of information the primary source includes our website and communication with the staff at the hospital. The key information that is generally collected includes name, address, age, gender, details about the previous medical history including lab reports, mental and physical health condition, and all such other information that is needed for providing the desired services to the patient. Although we do not disclose information to outsiders except the government as required by law, users can always choose to provide or not to provide such information including bank and credit card details.

How we secure data and maintain the confidentiality of personal information

All the data that we collect regarding patient’s information is collected and stored in digital form and can be physically accessed as per need. We have adopted strong security practices and follow standard protocols for data encryption to protect patient’s information in the digital medium. Unauthorized access to the user’s account is maintained and therefore, we, therefore, always suggest logging out of your account once you are done with browsing the website. Apart from this, information can also be shared with the employees of Krishna Hospital as per the requirements. We are not responsible for sharing personal details by third parties or any of our partners.

Purpose and Disclosure of information

Our primary purpose behind the collection of personal information is to assist the user in availing of the various services offered by Krishna Hospital. There can be numerous reasons for the disclosure of details among which government and legal requirements are the primary ones. Further, we make sure that any information provided by the user will not be used for promotional purposes.

Consent to the Privacy Policy

By using this website or any part of it including services, the user hereby agrees to all terms and conditions as provided in the privacy policy. In case of any queries regarding privacy policy and terms and conditions, the concerned authorities will address all the issues in a time-bound manner promptly.