Pediatric Gastroenterology Doctor in Agra

Krishna Hospital takes care of the treatment of the digestive system, liver, and nutritional problems in children and hence requires special attention from the experts. Our pediatric specialists undertake multiple diagnostic procedures for examining the digestive system of the children and utilizes specialized instruments like endoscope for biopsy purposes and examining the inside of the digestive tract. The pediatric gastroenterology doctor in Agra deals with the treatment of the newborn from infancy to the teen years and provide specific treatment through advanced technology such as -

  • Upper & Lower GI Endoscopies
  • Capsule endoscopy
  • Foreign body removal
  • Varices ligation
  • Enteral biopsy for IBD
  • Hepatic biopsy for genetic, metabolic, Neoplastic & other diseases
Pediatric Gastroenterology Doctor In Agra

Moreover, the pediatric gastroenterology doctor in Agra performs a wide variety of endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and other similar procedures. The other major problems treated by these specialists involve bleeding in the digestive tract, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic constipation, liver disease, frequent vomiting, acute abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, pancreatitis, malnutrition, GERD or feeding disorders. Thus, our healthcare professionals not only treats the gastroenterology diseases but also holds expertise in managing the nutrition-related issues in children. The body of children is different from adults and therefore, they have unique medical requirements and the treatment that is provided to the adults cannot be provided to the children as they can have major side effects of the treatment.

Our pediatric gastroenterologists are highly qualified and possess the necessary knowledge and skills that are required to examine the children. They treat children in a manner that makes them relax and children can contribute in a much better manner. Further, the children suffering from pediatric problems might face issues related to growth, emotional well being, psychological, physical and age-associated issues. Although maintaining good digestive health is crucial at every stage of life but it is more important for kids as it can impact their overall development.

Optimum digestive health of your child is possible with the top pediatric gastroenterology doctor

According to the pediatric gastroenterology doctor in Agra, intake of a healthy diet and proper nutrition are some of the crucial factors that play an important role in ensuring proper growth and development of a child. The right nutrition helps your child gain the optimum weight according to age and helps them grow taller and healthier and as a result, can fulfill the requirements of mental and physical development. Good digestion can be possible only when the child eats the right kind of food at the most suitable time along with proper intake of water to stay hydrated properly. The good digestion cannot be ensured only with the right type of diet but having a regular bowel movement is also equally important.

Children face multiple digestive related issues in which the common ones are abdominal pain, diarrhea in toddlers and reflux problems. Stomach pain can occur due to various reasons such as constipation or any functional abnormality in the stomach. Further, stress and other environment-related factors are also equally responsible for the generation of the problem. In addition to this, small children are faced with problems like loose motions and diarrhea as they began to experiment with the intake of different types of foods and drinks. Thus, the body and the digestive system are not able to adjust with the food leading to abdominal discomfort and pain.

Every child is unique and so his habits. So, the parents should ensure that their child has a regular habit whatever may be the duration but the child should not be in pain or any kind of discomfort. Our pediatric gastroenterology doctor in Agra is well aware of the fact that managing children that are suffering from liver and gastrointestinal diseases or having nutritional related problems are quite challenging. But with years of experience and dedicated efforts of our staff, we can treat a wide variety of GI problems found in teenagers, infants, and children. Further, we provide top-notch clinical, diagnostic and interventional care to the children and adopt a holistic treatment approach that aims at overcoming age-associated issues for better physical, emotional and mental development.