Winter care guide for new mothers and babies

The cold winter days are here. The chilly breezes can be harsh on everyone. In the chilly season, taking care of a newborn baby and mother can be intimidating. It is required that the mothers take good care of their babies. Winters are the time when most of the viruses and infections flourish, threatening everyone's well-being. A baby's immunity is weak so they can easily get infected. That is why they must be shielded from cold. So, after consulting the best pediatrician in Agra we have put together some of the health tips for mother and baby's health during winters.  

Dress Right

One of the important aspects of protecting yourself and the baby from the cold is to dress right. It is important to dress the baby in layers. Even if you think that it isn't that cold, you must dress the baby in at least two layers. But remember not to overdress the baby as it might cause discomfort and restriction of movement.  

Oil Massages

Getting a hot oil massage on a winter day is soothing for anyone. Body massages boost blood flow in the body. For massages, one can use lukewarm mustard or olive oil. Even for babies, the same oils can be used.  

It should be made sure that the surrounding is warm before the baby's clothes are off. A hot oil massage before bathing or bedtime can be very relaxing for a baby.  

Maintain The Room Temperature

For a mother and baby, it is important to maintain the right room temperature and keep the chills out of the room. The thing to keep in mind is to never go overboard on heaters and blowers. They can be harmful to a baby's skin as they blow moisture out. 

Watch the diet

For a new mother, it is important to eat wholesome and nourishing food. Winters offers a wide range of vegetables and fruits that can be included in a mother's diet. For a baby, breastfeeding is the best way to get all the nutrition they need. Mother's milk is enough for providing the child with a shield from a lot of infections and diseases. 

Maintain Proper Hygiene

It is important to maintain proper hygiene around the mother and the newborn. As babies are more prone to infections, it is important to maintain hygiene, otherwise, it can lead to infections. Before carrying the baby, it is vital to wash hands properly. 

Going out during winters

During winters, it is recommended by the best gynecology hospital in Agra to not go out with the newborns during the morning and late evenings. The baby should be allowed to sunbathe. This is also a great source of vitamin D. And if going out, the baby and mother's body should be fully covered with warm clothes. 

These were some of the important tips to keep your baby warm during winters.  

If you feel any signs and symptoms of cold and fever in babies, you must confer the best child hospital in Agra. The best baby doctor in Agra recommends taking good care of both the mothers and babies during chilly seasons to keep them away from any infections and illnesses.