Odontiasis or teething is a term used for the process of teeth eruption in babies. When a baby is teething or the process through which the baby's teeth outbreak the gums occurs usually through the sixth or seventh months and may continue to ten to twelve months of age. Sometimes teething is also referred to as "the cutting of teeth". According to the best child hospital in Agra, the onset and duration of teething also depend on the family history of teething.  

Signs And Symptoms Of Teething?

Teething generally causes the discomfort of gums and jaws. As the teeth slide from the gums they can cause discomfort. They usually can cause blood-filled blisters over the gums that appear red called blood blisters.
Some of the other symptoms caused by teething are : 

  1. Increased drooling
  2. Restlessness and reduced sleep
  3. Troubled eating due to soreness of gums
  4. Swollen and tender gums
  5. Fussiness and crying
  6. Increased body temperature
  7. Gnawing and chewing of items
  8. Coughing
  9. Rubbing the cheeks and rash around the mouth
  10. Bringing their hands to mouth

If your baby experiences typical conditions like fever, runny nose, cough, prolonged fussiness, rashes over the body, or diarrhea which are not signs of teething, you must consult a good child specialist doctor in Agra.  

Ways To Soothe Sore Gums

Teething can sometimes be tough on the little ones as they might get irritated and experience discomfort. It is not mandatory that every baby experiences the same discomfort, for some teething stage can be very easygoing. But if your baby experience pain or discomfort, it also can be hard on you. To soothe sore gums and to provide some comfort to your baby, you can try some of the below-mentioned tips.  

  1. Chewing on chilled refrigerated fruits helps soothe sore gums.
  2. Let your baby gnaw on a cold washcloth.
  3. Gently rub your baby's gums with a cool tablespoon.
  4. Massage your baby's sore gums in circular motions with your fingers.
  5. Give your baby a chilled solid teething toy to chew on.
  6. During teething, babies drool a lot. Wipe off the excess drool to prevent irritation.
  7. Cuddle your baby. One of the most satisfying ways of relaxing your baby.
  8. If none of the above methods works for your baby, consult a child doctor in Agra.

How To Care For Baby's New Teeth:

Clean your baby's gums with a clean and damp washcloth or a gauze after feeding. It keeps away bacteria and debris from building up in the baby's mouth.
When your baby's first teeth appear, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a smear of toothpaste to clean the teeth.
It is advised by the best child neonatologist in Agra to take time out of your schedules to visit the dentist for your baby's dental checkup. It is recommended to schedule the first dental checkup of your baby around their first birthday. .  

According to the best child doctor in Agra, sometimes teething can be tough on both, the baby and the mother. In that situation, it is recommended to visit a good baby doctor in Agra who would guide you with the necessary steps to be undertaken and some baby care tips that would allow you to take proper care of the baby and relieve them from discomfort and pain caused by teething.