Teenage Obesity: What you should know?

Have you ever seen a child with excessive fat? That child may suffer from obesity. Obesity is a medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It is a serious and long-term conditionthat causes severe health problems like diabetes, heart issues, etc. Childhood obesity is a disease where it is quite difficult to understand how to control body weight and body fat. On the other hand, some doctors state it is a result ofhigh calories consumption. The best child specialist in Agra explains the reasons that cause obesity in teens and kids: 

BMI is an effective way to assess obesity by measuring whether the weight is in proportion to the height. Parents require to understand the possible complications of Obesity in teens and kids which are as follows: 

These are some general complications that arise due to Obesity in children. Parents are required to take strict actions as well as control the dietary plan of their kids. This will help in controlling teen and childhood obesity.  

Ways to treat obesity in teens/ children

The medical treatment of a child depends on symptoms, age, and health condition. If a child is facing a severe condition, then it may be treated through: 

The treatment of Obesity includes a consultation with nutritionists, mental health professionals, and an exercise specialist who can suggest better ways regarding how to control weight and promote physical activities among children. Moreover, the best child specialist in Agra suggests that cutting the calories and a change in eating habitscan also help in effectively controlling obesity. These are some important aspects you should know as a parent to protect your child from obesity.  

Source: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/health-library/obesity-in-teens