PEDIATRIC ECZEMA: things to know about it

Eczema is a common skin condition in children and infants that causes irritation, inflammation, and itchiness of the skin. This condition mainly affects children and is non contagious.  

Eczemas are not serious medical conditions but can cause irritation, discomfort, and pain in children. This condition mainly occurs due to exposure to triggers that cause body allergies. 

According to the best pediatrician in Agra, these types of skin conditions like eczema and atopic dermatitis can be controlled with proper moisturization and reducing inflammation. 

Children and infants both suffer from eczema in different parts of their bodies. Infants usually develop eczema on their scalp and face, mainly on the cheeks. Children between the age of two to fourteen years develop eczema in the creases of their elbow and knees, neck, and ankles, and the creases between their buttocks and legs.  

Causes of eczema in infants

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, eczema is caused due to a problem with the skin barrier. A special protein called filaggrin that forms the outer layer of skin is responsible for forming a special barrier between skin and environment. A shortage in the amount of this protein can cause skin eczema. 

Some of the other reasons for eczema in children can be: 


Family history of allergies, eczema, and asthma can also be responsible for skin conditions in children. Eczema is also associated with mutations in genes like CARD11 and FLG. 

Immunity System:

Exaggerated responses to certain triggers by the immune system can also lead to eczema.  

Environmental factors:

Certain ''envirome'' such as pollutants like smoke and tobacco, social factors like stress and environmental factors like temperature can trigger eczema in children.  

People with eczema are more prone to infections like fungal, viral, or bacterial. This can also affect a child's mental health as they might worry about their appearance. 


Some of the common symptoms of eczema in children are: 

  1. Rashes
  2. Itchy skin
  3. Skin infections
  4. Dry, cracked, or scaly skin
  5. Fluid discharge from the affected area

Treatment for eczema:

There is no specific treatment for eczema yet. But the condition is manageable with proper moisturization and reducing inflammation. The common treatment for the condition may include:  

  1. Use moisturizing creams to relieve dryness and itchiness.
  2. Avoiding triggers that can induce any type of allergy
  3. Avoiding scratching
  4. Wearing natural fiber like cotton clothes
  5. Avoiding extreme temperatures
  6. Using detergent-free and fragrance-free washing products

For severe conditions, doctors might suggest using:  

  1. Medicated topical creams and ointments, including corticosteroids
  2. Biological therapy for children from six years or above to treat severe conditions which otherwise is difficult to control
  3. Phototherapy, that includes exposing skin to UV rays to reduce inflammation

According to the best child specialist in Agra, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the conditions worsen and become difficult to manage at home and affect the baby's everyday life. The first thing that needs to be done during the treatment is to reduce the symptoms of infection.