Nutrition is the only hero for Children!

Better Nutrition for better growth!

New-born kid is needed appropriate nutrition and protein to win the battle of growth. Child growth and development is a challenge for their parents. For better immunity, an adequate nutrition plays an important role. Krishna hospital has the best child specialist doctors in Agra and assists you with the appropriate nutrition and protein diet for your child.

The child doctors in Agra at Babylonhospital are recommending a balanced diet for your children that include carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and fibre. For new-born children, nutrition is the only hero. Parents need to understand the role of nutrition in their children's life.

Why child nutrition is important?

For an early age child, nutrition plays a key role. A growing child requires proper nutrients to stay healthy and strong and for growth. Good nutrition knowledge is important for parents to keep their children healthy. BabylonHospital is providing you the best child specialist in Agra that enhances your knowledge about good nutrients for children. Child nutrition is important because:

  1. It helps a child to remain fit and deal with malnourishment like obesity, decreased muscle mass, etc.
  2. A good dietary plan enables the cognitive development of children: it promoted healthy brain functioning.
  3. Child nutrition is important to maintain and keep good performance in sports, academics, and every field. A good diet keeps your child strong throughout the day and maintains energy levels as well.

Role of healthcare professionals

Primary healthcare professionals or child doctors in Agra are helping you to keep your child fit and protect them from malnourishment. Healthcare professionals have used anthropometry measures like BMI, Z-Score, Growth Chart, etc. to evaluate child malnutrition. The child specialist doctors in Agra from Krishna advise you at every step and signify the importance of diet and nutrition. Some key essentials from the best doctors of Agra are:

  1. A proper dietary pattern and quality are important like carbohydrates, protein, fats with the presence of vitamins, minerals, etc.
  2. Some important micronutrients are omega 3 fatty acid, zin, iron, and B12 vitamin.

What are the Good Nutrients for Kids?

A healthy and appropriate balance diet is important for kids and young adults. A nutrition-rich diet makes your child fit and healthy for a long. Doctors in Agra are recommending grains, dairy, protein, vegetables, and fruit as a major source of energy. For a balanced and nutritious diet, you are required to choose the best combination but before that, you need to understand these terminologies:

  1. Grains
  2. Vegetables
  3. Fruit
  4. Protein & Dairy

These are some good and important nutrients for children that enable in keeping the energy level up. The age group of 1 -3 years is challenging for parents like an uphill and it is require to provide appropriate care to the children.