Low birth weight in babies

An average healthy baby weighs around 8 pounds during childbirth. When a baby weighs 4 pounds and 8 ounces i.e. 2500gms or less, that baby is categorized as a low birth weight child. A low birth weight child can suffer from different health ailments or may develop chronic health conditions in the future. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research ( ICMR ), the data of low birthweight babies in India varies between 25-30%. Let us look at some of the reasons behind this big number.  

What causes low birth weight?

The most common reason behind low birth weight can be premature birth that is before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Because of this, a baby gets less time to grow and mature in the womb. Most of the weight gained by a baby is during the last weeks of the pregnancy. 

The second reason behind the low birth weight of the child can be due to intrauterine growth restriction ( IUGR ). The main reason behind this can be the mother's poor health, problems with the placenta, or the baby's health. Babies born after IUGR can be born full term or even premature. The baby born on the full term can have a healthy weight but with a rather small body and the baby born prematurely will be underweight and physically immature.  

Which babies are at risk of low birth weight?

Apart from IUGR and premature birth, some of the reasons behind low birth weight in babies are mentioned below. 

  1. Infection during pregnancy
  2. History of low birth weight child
  3. Smoking during pregnancy
  4. Alcohol and drug use
  5. Mother's not gaining enough weight during pregnancy
  6. Mother's age less than 16 years or more than 35 years

Treatment for low birth weight

Treatment for low birth weight depends on the baby’s condition, like age, symptoms, and weight. Treatment of the baby mainly depends on how severe the condition of the baby is.  

  1. Special care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ( NICU ): Krishna Hospital offers the best neonatal intensive care in Agra.
  2. Using temperature-controlled beds
  3. Babies with low weight are fed differently, sometimes through a tube in the stomach if the baby is not able to suck.
  4. Other treatments are incorporated if complications advance

Health complications due to low birth weight in babies

Often, babies with low birth weight generally are more prone to infection and health ailments as their body is not fully developed to fight against infections. These babies have a hard time feeding and staying warm as they have low body fat. Some of the health ailments in babies due to low birth weight are mentioned below.  

  1. Trouble staying warm
  2. Hard time feeding and gaining weight
  3. Low oxygen levels at birth
  4. More prone to infections
  5. Jaundice in babies
  6. Breathing problems due to weak and immature lungs
  7. Digestive problems
  8. Digestive and nervous problems

Low birth weight babies can be very weak and may suffer from many health ailments as their body is not yet ready to sustain themselves in the external environment. Some of the long-term health risks of low birth weights are developmental delay, blindness, cerebral palsy, and deafness.  

Due to advances in technology and medical care, more babies can survive even with low birth weight. To prevent the situation of low birth weight, mothers are needed to follow a healthy diet and are advised to not drink and smoke during pregnancy. The best child specialist doctor in Agra cares for your baby and helps you take good care of your newborn. 

