Keep your Baby Healthy: Obesity is a Curse

You have a healthy baby! Your baby is so Chubby! You’re giving a healthy diet to your baby!

These are some common expressions we give whenever see a chubby child. We find such babies cute and healthy and never get panic about “Baby Fat”. But every parent needs to be focused on their baby's weight and protect it from a monster “Obesity”. Some babies’ fat turns into child fat and then into adult fat. So, please be aware of the baby fat and understand what you need to do to make your baby fit.

Krishna Hospital have the best child specialists’ doctor in Agra . Child Specialists Doctor in Agra are suggesting you some tips to keep your baby at a healthy weight:

  1. Feeding: The great way to keep your child healthy is “Breast Feeding”. Many mothers don’t do it for long but consider it as the best way to give appropriate nutrients and protein to your child. For the first six months, the mother’s feed is the best care for the child as it is completely designed for nutritional needs. Child Doctors in Agra recommends you to give mother milk for the first 6 months.
  2. Feed only when needed: There are multiple reasons for baby cry but not the “hunger”. Sometimes, babies cry due to boredom, comfort issue, being overwhelmed, or some other reasons. Thus, when a baby cry, start playing or talking with them – or you can change their diaper, holding and soothing. If you start feeding them with every cry, the baby may start to think that have to get feed when bored, tired, upset. This will create an unhealthy association with eating and is hard to undo.
  3. Don’t overfeed: Start a keen eye on your baby's diet from birth and respect their eating habit. When your doctor suggests you about the overweight or underweight child, then you should take further advice to cure the same. Hence, don’t overfeed your child as it may turn into unhealthy eating habits or overeating.
  4. Make your baby move: The great way to control the overweight of your child is “Exercise”. Make your baby move on the floor and encourage every single moment. Take them to the park or outdoor for a walk and make sure that they will walk. This active playing habit is most important for your child in the first year. It helps in making babies healthy and active as children, teens, or adults.
  5. Give healthy solid food: Once your baby will complete the first year, then start giving fruits, vegetables, grains to them. Give them some solid food and start building their taste. This good dieting habit will make them healthy and keep them active as well.

The best doctors in Agra of Krishna Hospital are giving this advice to keep their children healthy. All such habits are important to consider in the first year of growth. A healthy child can easily deal with Obesity and remain healthy for their entire life.