Hypothermia in babies: symptoms and causes

Like an adult, a baby's body temperature can fluctuate slightly based on varied factors like the external temperature, their activity, and even how the temperature is measured. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a baby's body temperature can be as low as 35.5° C in the morning to 37.7° C in the evening. The body temperature fluctuations can also be due to the method of measurement.
According to the best child specialist in Agra, hypothermia or low body temperature in babies can also be dangerous and should be addressed quickly as newborns are not able to regulate their body temperature.  

Symptoms Of Low Body Temperature In Babies:

Newborns with hypothermia are at great risk, that is why they should be treated as soon as possible. Some of the symptoms indicated by the best pediatric surgeon in Agra for low body temperature are: 

  1. Feeling very cold
  2. Lethargic and sluggish
  3. Develop blue lip and finger, pale skin
  4. Poor feeding
  5. Weak cry
  6. Uneasy breathing

Reasons For Low Body Temperature In Babies

Low Birth Weight And Premature Birth:

Babies born with 3.3 Pound birthweight or below are more likely to develop hypothermia immediately after birth as their tiny body is not able to store ample body heat as compared to older children or adults. Also, according to research, babies born before the 28 weeks of gestation period are more likely to develop hypothermia.  

  1. Drying the baby immediately after childbirth
  2. Using warm mattresses and blankets
  3. Encouraging skin to skin contact with the parent
  4. Delaying the first bath of the baby until 12 hours of the birth.

The best nursing home for normal delivery in Agra is fully equipped with necessary technologies and highly trained and proficient doctors and staff for administering normal deliveries of babies  


Hypoglycemia is a condition of low glucose content in the blood. Blood glucose in the blood provides the body with energy. The low glucose content can lead to hypothermia.  

Some of the causes for hypoglycemia in babies are:  

  1. Birth abnormalities
  2. Infection
  3. Poor health condition of the birthing mother

This can be prevented by following a healthy diet plan during pregnancy and properly managing diabetes during pregnancy.  


Some infections like sepsis and meningitis can be associated with low body temperature in newborns. These infections can even be life-threatening and should be treated as soon as the symptoms show.
Hypothermia can be very dangerous to babies so it is important to keep the baby warm, dress them properly, and maintain their body temperature. When a baby's body temperature drops below a certain level, the body uses more oxygen to keep the body warm that puts more pressure on the tiny body. The pediatrician in Agra suggests seeking emergency help on suspecting anything inappropriate.
The best gynecology hospital in Agra can help you decide whether the low temperature is normal and healthy or a sign of a problem. Seek treatment as soon as possible, since a healthcare provider can offer peace of mind and ensure the baby gets the right treatment. 


