Health Issues Faced By A Newborn Baby

For new mothers, taking care of their newborns can especially be tough and may easily overwhelm them. Those little ones are also more prone to infections and getting sick. In that case, mothers may easily get stressed. According to the best child specialist in Agra, like adults, some of the health issues are common in newborns too and can be easily treated with proper care and medication.  

Some of the common health issues faced by newborns as stated by the best baby doctor in Agra are as follows. 

Skin Conditions:

Babies can develop different types of skin conditions shortly after they are born as the baby's skin is more delicate and needs to be taken extra care of. Generally, most of these conditions go away. But sometimes, some of those that don't, are birthmarks and stay with the babies throughout their lives. Some of the most common skin conditions in babies include desquamation, cradle cap, milia, miliaria. newborn acne, erythema toxic, and transient pustular melanosis  


Newborn jaundice is very common and is caused by increased levels of bilirubin, a yellow pigment formed at the time of normal breakdown of red blood cells. This causes yellowing of the baby's skin and eyes. Normally, jaundice goes away on its own when the baby's liver develops and they start to feed. Normally, jaundice goes away in 2-3 weeks but if the condition stays longer than 3 weeks, it can be a sign of concern. One must consult the pediatric neonatal surgical doctor in Agra for assistance and treatment.  


Fever is the first and foremost sign of any infection in babies. Although, other signs of infection include troubled sleep, irritated behavior, and restlessness. A fever generally means that the child might have picked a cold or flu but in some rare conditions, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, ear infections, or a more serious infection such as a blood bacterial infection or meningitis may be causing a fever. In any of these conditions, it is advised by the best child specialist doctor in Agra to consult the doctor to know the reason behind the fever and procure proper treatment for them.  


Poor feeding in babies can be due to their low interest in feeding or other reasons. When the babies don't feed enough, they won't get enough nutrition for the proper overall development. Poor feeding can be caused due to picky feeding. However, whatever might be the reason, undernutrition is the main concern. According to the WHO, around 45% of child deaths are caused due to undernutrition. Sometimes, babies spit out or burp or vomit out what they are being fed, and if this continues for a long time, it might be a sign of concern, and immediate assistance from the best baby doctor in Agra might be required.  

These were some of the common health conditions in newborns. These sometimes can be severe and at that moment it is important to understand and get them treated by the best child specialist in Agra. The Krishna Hospital, the best child hospital in Agra deals with all the major and minor health conditions of babies and provides the best treatment. The Krishna Hospital's Team of neonatal specialists, Paediatricians, pathology labs, and healthcare staff handles all the health care issues with utmost compassion and professionalism  
