Fever in babies: Symptoms You Should Check

Parents consult paediatricians whenever their babies get a fever. It is the most concern factor for parents and therefore, parents should consult with the paediatrician about fever!

Fever in babies can be one of the scariest symptoms for parents. When babies are a few weeks old, highfever can adversely affect them. The best child specialist doctors in Agra states that it is very common in children to get a fever.

The paediatrician in Agra is signifying the reasons for fever and what to do when your baby gets fever!

Causes of Infant Fever!

Fever is a symptom that signifies that the body is fighting with illness and the immune system is working. The most common reasonsfor fever are cold or viral infection. The least common factors of fever in infants are pneumonia, urinary tract infections, ear infections, or a more serious infection such as a blood bacterial infection (https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/fever-in-babies#1).Some other reasonsfor fever in babies are:

  1. Reaction to vaccination
  2. Spending too much time outside on a hot day

Child doctors in Agra find the above mentioned reasons as the most common reasons for fever. If you are facing any other issue then consult Paediatrician in Agra and get the best treatment from Krishna Hospital specialist.

What are the signs of fever in babies?

Every baby is different with a distinct immunity system. When your baby acts differently, it is advised toconsult the best child specialist in Agra . The symptoms of fever in babies are:

  1. Poor sleeping: Parents are needed to track the sleep time of their baby. A fever results in poor sleeping.
  2. Poor Eating: Parents are required to evaluate the hunger of their children. When your baby gets a fever then it results in poor eating.

With these two signs, sometimes, babies show less interest to play and become less active. This also indicates that your baby is ill. If you are facing any of the mentioned symptoms, then consult the best paediatrician in Agra .