Constipation In Babies: All You Need To Know

Constipation in babies occurs when they can't pass stool easily and their stools or poops are hard and dry. This situation in babies can stress parents. Change in routine or diet of feeding can easily affect a baby's bowel movement. Sometimes, these conditions are normal but sometimes they can be a reason for concern and has to be consulted with the best pediatrician in Agra.  

Signs of Constipation:

  1. Swollen or bloated belly
  2. Change in the pattern on pooping
  3. Change in the appearance of stools
  4. Painful Cramps
  5. Straining more than usual to induce bowel movement
  6. Crying during pooping

Treatment for Constipation at Home

With some home remedies and feeding changes, constipation in babies can easily be treated. However, if the conditions continue and don't get better, it is advised to consult the best child specialist in Agra.  

  1. If your baby is not feeding on baby food yet, you can feed them with one to two ounces of fruit juices (apple, pear, prunes, or cherries) It is advised to stop the juice if stools become too loose.
  2. If the babies are old enough, they can be fed pureed fruits like apples, prunes, and peaches.
  3. If your baby eats solid food like cereal, they can be fed with oatmeal, wheat, or barley cereal.
  4. Sometimes, giving the baby a warm bath with exercising their legs in cycling motions can induce bowel movements.
  5. If none of the above-mentioned methods worked for the baby even after a few days, one can try the glycerine suppository. Gently put the baby on the back and insert the suppository into their anus. This would relieve their constipation in 15 to 60 minutes. Suppositories are suggested for occasional use.
  6. Before giving the baby any medicine, laxatives, baby mineral oil, or enemas to treat constipation, it is recommended to consult the best baby doctor in Agra.

When To Consult The Doctor:

Call your baby's health care provider if any of these occur  

  1. Your baby is irritated and seems to have a stomach ache. Most of the time, when baby is in pain, they draw in their legs to the belly and cry in pain.
  2. Your baby develops vomiting with constipation and their belly looked blotted, tight, and filled with gas.
  3. You see blood in their stool.
  4. The baby's constipation doesn't get better with treatment

This was some of the basic information on constipation in babies. It is important to keep a check on the baby's bowel motions to be sure of their digestive health. Also, it is important to consult the best child hospital in Agra if you see any signs of possible health conditions in a baby. According to a neonatology hospital in Agra, constipation can also be caused due to a lack of nerves reaching the intestine or by improper development of intestines at birth. Your baby can be tested for these conditions if the baby's health care provider finds it necessary.