Colic In Babies: All You Need To Know

Colic is a continuous, intense, and prolonged crying in healthy babies. This can be due to no apparent reason and can easily upset new parents. Moreover, nothing parents do would really help in managing colic, which troubles the weary new parents even more. A colic episode usually aggravates when the baby is six weeks old and declines when the baby reaches three to four-month of age. According to the best child specialist in Agra, some of the measures are relevant to lessen the severity of colic episodes and reduce parents' stress caused by it. 


Generally crying and fussing in babies is normal for the first three months. But, when the baby cries for more than three hours a day for more than three days a week for three or more weeks, this can be a sign of colic. 

Colic can be determined by the following features. 

According to the best baby doctor in Agra, the baby might feel relieved after passing gas or pooping as they may swallow air resulting in developing gas in their tummy.  

Causes of Colic

There has no clear reason been identified for the occurrence of colic. Some of the possible reasons that can lead to colic in babies are as follows. 

According to the best child hospital in Agra, the best child doctor in Agra can diagnose colic by looking at the history and symptoms and can perform certain tests to rule out possible problems.  

Ways To Soothe a Baby With Colic

These were some of the ways to soothe a baby with colic. One can even take their baby for a walk outside or a car ride to soothe them. According to a pediatrician in Agra, caring for a baby with colic can be hard for parents. If you feel you can't handle it yourself and might possibly harm your child, seek help right away. Also, consult a good child doctor in Agra, if your baby's behavior changes of a sudden and their crying are accompanied by fever, vomiting, loose or bloody stools, and decreased movement.