Childhood Asthma: All You Need To Know

In the case of childhood asthma, the respiratory tract of children gets inflamed easily with exposure to triggers like pollen, catching cold or respiratory infections. Childhood asthma is not much different from adult asthma but it interferes with the daily activities of children like playing, sleeping, and sports. Unmanaged asthma can also cause asthma attacks that can be fatal. According to the best baby doctor in Agra, childhood asthmas are untreatable and the symptoms may continue to adulthood.


Symptoms of Childhood Asthma


Some of the common signs and symptoms of childhood asthma are:


  1. A wheezing or whistling sound when child breath outs
  2. Coughing
  3. Fussiness and getting tired easily
  4. Fast and shallow breathing
  5. Problem in eating
  6. Chest congesting or tightness
  7. Blue tinted skin and fingernails


Possible Causes of Asthma in Children


The causes behind childhood asthma are not fully understood but some of the factors that may lead to them as per the best child doctor in Agra are as follows:


  1. Case of asthma with parents
  2. Airway infection at a young age
  3. Inherited tendency to develop allergies
  4. Exposure to environmental factors like cigarette smoke or other air pollutants


Triggers of Asthma in Children


Exposure to triggers causes lungs and airway to swell and secretion of mucus in the lungs leading to difficulty in breathing. Some of the common triggers of asthma in children are:


Allergies from dust mites, pollen, or pet dander

Viral infections like the common cold

Weather changes

Physical activities

Exposure to pollutants like smoke


Complications of Asthma


Asthma can cause several complications in children, they include


Poor sleep patterns and feeling weary

Dropping lung functions

Lagging behind in academics

Symptoms that affect day-to-day lives of children

Dangerous asthma attacks


Prevention of Asthma in Children


According to the best baby doctor in Agra, there is no treatment of asthma, it can only be prevented by avoiding triggers.


  1. Avoid exposure to possible triggers
  2. Encourage your child to maintain a healthy weight
  3. Don't allow smoking around your child
  4. Motivate your child to be active
  5. Keep your child's gut health in check


When To Seek Emergency Treatment


In severe cases, when your child struggles to breathe and you observe your child's chest and sides pulling inward, it may be a sign of an emergency. If your child experiences increased heartbeat, chest pain, sweating, or any of the below-mentioned signs, seek consultation from the best child hospital in Agra immediately.


Using abdominal muscles to breathe

Has to stop midsentence to catch a breath

Has widened nostrils while breathing in

trying hard to breathe


Even if your child has not been diagnosed with asthma, these can be considered warning signs if observed, and should immediately seek medical supervision. The best baby doctor in Agra provides comprehensive care for all the conditions of children.