Benefits of breastfeeding the baby

Breastfeeding your baby is strictly a personal choice. If you have decided not to breastfeed your baby, you might have been parched by the information. However, breastfeeding has way more benefits than one can ever think of. According to the best gynecologist in Agra, mother's milk provides optimal nutrition for the baby and is easily digestible and readily available for the babies.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends feeding a baby with mother's milk for up to two years of age as the benefits continue for that long.
Let's look at some of the health benefits of breastfeeding  

Breastfeeding Benefits For A Baby:

Breast Milk Provides Ideal Nutrition For A Baby 

Breast milk contains everything a newborn baby needs and its proportion continuously changes with the change in the needs of the growing baby. During the first few days after birth, the breast produces a yellowish thick fluid called colostrum that is highly enriching and helps the baby's digestive tract develop. This is irreplaceable by any formula milk.  

Breast Milk Contains Important Antibodies

Breast milk is loaded with antibodies that help those tiny humans fight off viruses and bacterias. Babies are more prone to infections at that tender age. Colostrum, the mother's first milk, is particularly loaded with immunoglobulin A (IgA) and several other important antibodies that help the child fight off infections and build their immunity. IgA saves the baby from infections by forming a layering over the baby's nose, throat, and digestive system. The best pediatric surgeon in Agra also believes that babies who are not breastfed are more vulnerable to health conditions like diarrhea, pneumonia, and infections. .  

Breast Milk Promote Healthy Body Weight

Breast-fed babies tend to have a healthier weight and are mostly not inclined to obesity. Breast milk when fed for more than four months promotes healthier body weight in babies and reduces possibilities of obesity. Breastfed babies have more leptin in their bodies as compared to formula milk. Leptin is an important hormone for regulating fat storage and appetite. Breast-fed babies have a higher amount of beneficial gut bacteria that regulate fat storage. .  

Breastfeeding Help In Child Development

Breast-fed babies are supposed to have better mental development in comparison to formula-fed babies. This difference may be due to the nutrient content of breast milk or because of the physical intimacy, eye contact, and touch between the mother and the baby. It is seen that breast-fed babies have higher intelligence scores and are less likely to develop behavioral problems in the future. Breast-feeding has significant positive effects on the brain development of babies.
These were some of the science-based facts suggested by the best baby doctors in Agra for the proper development of babies and the best mother and baby care in Agra. Breastfeeding also helps keep some of the diseases at a bay. These were some of the science-based facts suggested by the best baby doctors in Agra for the proper development of babies and the best mother and baby care in Agra. Breastfeeding also helps keep some of the diseases at a bay.
Breastfeeding has so many health miracles that most child doctors in Agra recommend mothers to feed babies as long as possible to prevent medical problems. .  
