All You Need To Know About PICA

What is PICA?

Pica is a form of compulsive eating disorder in which individuals eat nonfood items like sand, paints, and clay. And in some extreme cases, individuals also may eat other nonfood items like cigarette ashes, glue, hair, cement, and even feces. This eating disorder can lead to severe health problems in the future. According to the best child specialist in Agra, around 10 to 30% of children below six years usually develop pica. Pica is more prominent in children. It can be induced in minors and grown-ups due to developmental and intellectual disorders.
Some pregnant women can also develop pica due to the insufficiency of zinc and iron in the body.

According to the best pediatrician in Agra, most children with pica outgrow it and usually goes away in a few months. But some individuals with developmental and intellectual disorders may need assistance and monitoring.  

Symptoms Of Pica:

Symptoms of pica are dependent on the thing that the individual eats. Some of the common symptoms of pica are: 

  1. Bowel movement problems like constipation and diarrhea
  2. Stomach pain
  3. Stomach upset
  4. Blood in stool

Prolonged consumption of nonfood items can cause severe health ailments and can also cause toxicity in the body. Some of the health problems caused by it are  

  1. Intestinal infections
  2. Intestinal tear and blockage
  3. Teeth and mouth injuries
  4. Iron deficiency anemia
  5. Lead poisoning

What Causes Pica?

There is no definite reason known behind pica by doctors. Some of the most common conditions seen in individuals with pica are: .  

  1. Malnutrition and hunger, low levels of iron and zinc can cause aggravated hunger leading children to chew on non-food items to satiate their stomachs
  2. Some of the mental health disorders like schizophrenia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can also result in pica in children and adults
  3. Developmental problems like autism and intellectual disorders
  4. Stress can also be a reason for pica. Pica is mostly seen in children living in poverty, abused, or neglected

Diagnosis of Pica:

It is normal for children to chew nail or hair and mouth their toys, but if they continue this practice even if they fall sick by doing so and for a prolonged duration, it might be the case of pica. Doctors diagnose pica by asking parents queries about: .  

  1. From how long they are consuming nonfood items
  2. Their behavior pattern
  3. Risk factors such as developmental disorders

Doctors can also check other physiological aspects such as:

Treatment of Pica:

Doctors help and assist parents in managing and stopping pica-related behaviors. They also treat children with illnesses related to pica like constipation, intestinal tears, blockage, infections, and other problems. Some children with pica might also need a psychiatrist or other mental health professional assistance to overcome pica. One can visit the best child development center in Agra for the best assistance.

If you observe any signs of pica like your child tends to eat nonfood items regularly or has a developmental issue, you can consult the best child hospital in Agra for good assistance and diagnosis. The best pediatric surgeon in Agra suggests keeping close attention to children and supervising them with the right eating habits and keeping them from consuming non-food items. .  
