What if baby doesn't cry after birth?

Everyone is on cloud nine when their beautiful baby arrives in this world but what if he/she doesn't cry? For a couple of minutes, it will shatter your world until- unless you got to know that, numerous factors are affecting the delayed crying of a baby. Just so you know not all infants scream when they were born. Neonatal infants may cry as they respond to an internal or external stimulus & when a mother gave birth, babies probably feel the pain, suddenly they're exposed to the cold atmosphere of the whole new environment and the discomfort of birth often makes them scream right away says the best child specialist doctor in Agra.

And if your baby doesn't cry right after the birth, don’t be impatient, not all babies cry after being born. If a cry is delayed, it may not certainly convey that the baby is not healthy or normal. Sometimes they don't cry because-

  1. Maybe the infant has passed stool in the womb and it goes into the respiratory tract of the baby.
  2. If the baby is very large in size & it was a difficult delivery, the baby may not cry.
  3. If a baby is premature.
  4. If the baby has multiple congenital irregularities, a baby may not cry.
  5. Non-progression of labour & Obstructed labour, a baby may not cry.

In a word, if the baby is in distress because of any reason, it won't cry but if a delayed cry is accompanied by other fatal signs, then you should immediately consult the closest Child specialist doctor in Agra. They can explain the probable reasons and can help in relieving the stress and tension of the parents.